Noel's House Party Lost Episode

I remember being 15 back in 1995. I was your typical teenager, wanting a girlfriend, struggling with school, and sometimes going to parties. Okay, maybe not your typical teenager - There are hundreds of types out there.
Sometimes, my parents would leave me home alone due to work, or another event that was for "adults only". I was fine with this, as an only child. I wasn't their "sweet little 7-year-old Joshua" anymore, after all.
This happened in a certain Saturday, where I was home alone once again, free to watch television all evening - watching the news, Noel's House Party, Doctor Who, Masterchef, Silent Witness... You name it. Staying up late, until it was kind of a quarter past midnight. Turning off the TV, I brushed my teeth and was about to go to my bedroom, until it turned on alone. Staring at the screen, it was just static - Until the intro of Noel's House Party was playing again, but this time, it played its theme tune glitched and loud, for a few seconds, and the rest was all silent. Without any applause or Noel speaking.
Cutting to black, I saw the stage, again, without any applause, or audience reactions, even with Mr. Blobby going downstairs. It was cut to another shot of a wall shelf, with a delicate-looking antique Chinese vase above it. The pink beast wasn't making any kinds of noise, or making his signature Pokémon speak, he simply... Walked towards the vase, picked it up, and threw it on the floor, with the object's demise being the first loud noise to exist on what I was watching. He was completely silent, not speaking anything, nor looking at the audience.
Suddenly, an angry Noel Edmonds ran towards his companion, and began to yell at him - Of course, it sounded hyper-realistic, it seemed like he was genuinely furious by the occurrence.
"You bloody idiot! Did you know how much these vases cost?! I swear, DO YOU WANNA LEARN A PAINFUL LESSON?! HERE!"
Again, the audience was completely silent - Until something very spooky, scary and unexpected happened. Noel suddenly wrapped his arms around Mr. Blobby, and impaled him through the chest with a salmon knife - Blue (with purple polkadots) blood bursting all over the stage. People were screaming in terror - Including Mr. Blobby. It seemed that he was actually screaming in pain.
It looked like he was a breathing, living being, instead of simply a guy inside a suit. The next shot was a furious Noel stabbing the pink creature to death, with the latter throwing up, bleeding, crying and sobbing loudly (Including hyper-realistic purple tears) - Cutting to black. The final shot slowly faded in, it was a black-and-white still-image of Mr. Blobby suffering and crying on the floor. Absolute silence. No sound, except for his sobbing, until static - And then, text pattern wanted to be in charge of my living room's television screen. Looking at another on-air channels, it seemed like BBC was off-air.
I couldn't sleep that night - Stuck at 3 AM, still remembering that bloody pink monster's sobbing. I never watched Noel's House Party ever again.

''Credit to HelenaScarlet. Yes, this is a joke.''